Comments about our Spring Concert

Christmas 2023

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Wonderful concert this evening. Congratulations. You've done an amazing job with the men since last year. Their diction was so clear; we could hear and understand every word from each section of the choir. And such strong voices and so many talented individual singers among them. We were very impressed.
Gayle Mitchell Shantz,
a Minettone

WOW! have you ever brought these guys along. They sounded incredible tonight. The sound was full and the harmonies were wonderful. You really have been a great addition to the Choir and have taught them a lot. I know that Frank really enjoys it.

Wonderful programme and performance!
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Hi Frances What a delightful evening. You worked very hard to prepare the MMOS. Nancy and I are full of love tonight. Thanks for the tickets
Roy Menagh, Music Director Orillia Vocal Ensemble

Well Frances, You have done it again!!! Of course I am not surprised. As I was leaving, I heard nothing but rave reviews from the audience, and as I approached you, you were in a "crush" of fans congratulating you, as well they should, for another fabulous musical performance. You have transformed the Muskoka Men of Song, and the overall enthusiasm is palpable. with love, Ruth
Ruth Wagner, luthier Wagner Violins

That was a WONDERFUL concert.... from the choice of music, to the singing ( your ability to pull them together) the enthusiasm of the choir members.....and to the support and recognition given to these young musicians. We had a wonderful time. But I apologize. I could not help singing but I tried to be quiet. Thank you for a lovely musical evening,
Rena and Arno
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Hi Frances, Excellent concert again. What a lot of work went into that one, some very tricky parts I noticed. You are a wonderful director for these lucky men. I hope they appreciate your talent. Looking forward to the Dec. 9 or 10, (whatever) the date is!!!
Regards from Mary Lou

Dear Frances, You are amazing!! Tonight’s concert was wonderful and I enjoyed it so much . maybe because I knew most of the music. You have done a great job with the choir!!!!!
Love Pat.
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Good Sunday morning Frances, Just wanted to say that Gino and I thoroughly enjoyed the concert last night. And those love songs, WOW! We especially enjoyed the Menfolk segment and wanted to hear more. I was mesmerized watching you conduct. So are so good at it. There must have been a sold out crowd for sure. Thanks for all you do and for saving the tickets for us. Oh, and nice touch with the guys handing out the red roses.
Cheers Karen

Well, you guys did it again ! You get better every time. I could list a lot of specifics for things I heard and saw Men of Song doing better than ever, but that would be a long email. So I'll just send you a "hats off" for a great performance. But one specific that I heard from a number of others was that the words came through more clearly than ever. That's a big one ! I feel likewise re the harmonies. My congrats go out also, of course, to Frances.

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